men’s Ministry
Join one of our study groups to develop skills that will transform you spiritually while increasing your capacity to fulfill your role as a father, husband, and leader.
Men's Group
Tuesdays at 8:00pm in the Fellowship Hall Study: Ephesians
Fridays at 6:30 am in the Fellowship Hall Study: Ephesians
Fridays at 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall Resumes Jan 17th: Continuing Romans
Come and join us for a great Bible study. We read the Word together, share our lives, and pray for one another. We do a variety of studies throughout the year, feel free to jump in and join us whenever you want.
There’s no need to register just show up and meet some great guys at Faith E.
Men's Bible Study Fellowship
When: Tuesdays at 6:30 pm Starting September 10
This year, BSF will be studying the book of Revelation. In Revelation: The Hope, we will discover that Jesus Christ is central to every prophecy, promise, and passage. Revelation gives us hope of a world made new by the redemption and restoration that Jesus offers today and for eternity.
Why should you join a men's group?
Can a men's Bible study give a man a better and clearer understanding of the Bible than another type of Bible study?
Does a men's Bible study offer something different or special to a man which he might not otherwise get in a group with women or children?
Yes! Read on...
We know that men, women and children all deal with different issues. Men have their own set of fears, joys, emotions, and issues. We also know that a different type of conversation can be had when you are in a smaller group of people who are dealing with your similar issues.
In particular, a big issue for men is battling pride. Pride tells us to be a lone ranger. Pride tells us to handle our problems on our own, even if it's not working and blowing up in our face. Ironically, pride is also one of the main reasons many men are hesitant to join a men's Bible study. Standing strong in your faith requires the community and support of spirit-filled brothers.
We invite you to join on of our men's groups. You'll develop skills that will transform you spiritually while increasing your capacity to fulfill your role as a father, husband, and leader.